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Feel free to take a peek at the videos of Abraxas and his pony friends: http://youtu.be/YpDgI6BIsw0?hd=1 The rehearsal weekend in the small town of Bad Rothenfelde, preparing the Fury stallions for for the Venus erotic convention in Berlin 2012 http://youtu.be/ToEeBNZ__CI?hd=1 Another clip from our rehearsal weekend: Time for some fun with the local fastfood provider and how bio-horses react to meeting the fury ponies http://youtu.be/8vbYnmf8k-Q?hd=1 This Video was shot by a friend, featuring the Fury stallions' first big trip through the streets of Berlin while visiting the Venus erotic convention in Berlin 2012. http://youtu.be/Yr3fSQasf5k?hd=1 Some German tv-show featuring the Fury stallions' convention appearance at the Venus erotic convention in Berlin 2012 (lots of German talking). http://youtu.be/y4qNBQ7meD4?hd=1&t=1m21s Long video of the opening gig at the Venus erotic convention with some erotic starlets posing in front of and with the Fury stallions. http://youtu.be/6EYOb2O5cOM?hd=1&t=22s Another video of the same opening gig. http://youtu.be/--8OD8A7Ewg?hd=1 "Ask the Pony 1" A peek at the men behind the masks and how they see pony play. | |